The FleetAdvance Opportunity Analyzer is a dynamic analytics tool that provides insight into your fuel savings opportunities and allows you to measure areas of improvement. The Opportunity Analyzer is easily accessible and intuitive to use. Key features of the Opportunity Analyzer include:

  • A dashboard summarizing your fleet performance, a tool for measuring your potential savings, and detailed data on your savings opportunities by drivers, states, and merchants.
  • The ability to pull data by a specified date range.
  • Responsive web design that allows you to view the analyzer on tablets and mobile devices.

The Opportunity Analyzer is your tool for taking control of your fuel savings. This guide provides an overview of each feature and its value.

Getting Started

To access the Opportunity Analyzer, log in to iConnectData (ICD) and select (FleetAdvance QuickLink > Opportunity Analyzer).

To start using the Opportunity Analyzer, select a customer ID and date range at the top of the page. This offers a wider view of savings compared to the data on a single day shown on the FleetAdvance console map. All data displayed in the Opportunity Analyzer is based on your selected date range and customer ID.

Step 1. Use the drop-down menu to select a customer ID.
Step 2. Enter a date range under select date range in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy – mm/dd/yyyy. The date range defaults to the current day and the previous seven days. You may also select the date button or click in the field to display a calendar for date selection. Note that the date range will go back only as far as July 1, 2013.

Use the Show Only option to display data for the previous day, week, month, or year.

Fleet Performance – Where You Are

The Fleet Performance dashboard summarizes where you currently stand with your fuel savings. For the selected customer ID and date range, it includes the average fuel score, the amount of money saved, the number of alerts received, and the average fuel score of the top-performing fleet in your class.

1. Average Fuel Score: The Average Score is a calculation of transaction scores across the selected customer ID for the selected date range. It is similar to the transaction scores you see on the console map denoted by color-coded pins but is meant for an entire customer ID instead of one single transaction.

2. Fuel Savings: Fuel Savings represents the total dollar value you have saved under the customer ID for the selected date range. It is similar to the Comdata Fuel Savings calculation located on the console map.

3. Driver Alerts: Driver Alerts indicates the number of alerts you have received for low-scoring transactions for the selected date range.

4. Best In Class Score: This number represents the average fuel score of the top 100 performing fleets in your class based on the number of gallons purchased in the selected date range. This not only lets you know the average score of the top-performing fleet, but can also drive motivation to reach that score or go beyond.

Savings Calculator – Where You Could Be

The Savings Calculator is an adjustable tool that allows you to see your potential fuel savings for each increase in your average fuel score. This is not only helpful in seeing where you could be in the future but can also provide a motive for reaching better scores.

1. Fuel Score Ruler: Use this tool to select your target fuel score. The ruler should start at 40 points from your current score. For example, if your score is between 70 and 79, the lowest score on the ruler will be 30.

You will see a place marker on your current fuel score. Drag it up the ruler to set your target fuel score and see your potential savings. You can also drag the place marker down the ruler to see how much money you would lose if your score decreases.

2. Reduced Fuel Spend: This is the percentage of fuel spend you could reduce with a higher fuel score. If the place marker is set on your current average fuel score, the reduced fuel spend will be set to 0.

3. Estimated Savings: The estimated savings is the actual dollar value that you could save with a higher fuel score. If the place marker is set on your current fuel score, the estimated savings will be set to 0.

4. Best in Class Rank: This number ranks your fuel score against 100 other fleets making similar gallon purchases. The scaling is 1 to 100, with 1 representing the top rank. For example, if your average fuel score is 79 and you increase it to 84, and the best-in-class rank increases from 8 to 6, a score of 84 is ranked 6 out of 100, while a score of 79 is ranked 8.

5. Transactions Below Target Score: The number of transactions that fall under your target fuel score. These transactions are barring you from reaching your targeted score and should be addressed.

Note: The savings calculator reads like a sentence: A target score of X will reduce your fuel spend by X%, saving you an estimated $X with a best-in-class rank of X and X number of transactions below your targeted score.

Top Opportunities – How to Get There

The top opportunities section provides scorecards displaying your ten lowest-performing drivers, states, and merchants under the selected customer ID and date range. This data lets you identify where you are losing the most money. For more detail on each opportunity, select the window button in the right corner of each scorecard.

Driver Opportunities

This section provides a summary of each driver’s performance under the selected customer ID. The heading displays your average fuel score and the number of drivers that fall above or below that score. The table lists each driver’s performance record, including their transaction amount, gallons purchased, total fuel spend, and average fuel score. To drill down into a driver’s individual transactions, select the plus icon next to the Driver ID column.

You can also select the info icon next to the driver’s name on the scorecard. This drill-down capability provides a view of the driver’s fueling activity, which will help you notice trends that are impacting their score and opportunities for improvement.

Geographic Opportunities

Geographic Opportunities provides a color-coded view of the states where your drivers have fueled. Each state is colored green, red, or yellow based on the average fuel score. Positioning the cursor over a state reveals its average fuel score and number of transactions.

The table below the map compiles your fuel purchasing activity for each state, including your number of transactions, gallons purchased, average price per gallon, average fuel score, and number of alerts received. The average price per gallon and average fuel score columns can help you determine which states represent your highest fuel costs.

Chain Opportunities

Chain Opportunities summarizes your transaction scores for the selected customer ID at specific merchant chains. The Chain Opportunities chart shows your top merchant chains and the average score for each chain. Positioning your cursor over a chart section displays your percentage of gallons purchased at each merchant chain.

The table below the pie chart lists key data on each merchant chain, including their merchant chain code, name, number of gallons purchased, the amount off low, and your average fuel score. The amount off low and average fuel score columns can help you determine which merchant chains save you the most money or cost you more.

Note: Amount off low represents the difference between the average price you paid at a merchant chain and the lowest available price among other chains. For example, if your total gallons purchased for a merchant chain are 391.37, and the amount off low value indicates a potential savings of 0.0601, this means you may be missing opportunities to purchase fuel more inexpensively.

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